a close up of a white marble surface

Metastatic Millennial

is currently in the process of moving platforms.

It may not look exactly the same as Tori left it, but I'll be striving to get it as close as possible.

Since there were links that no longer worked on the former version, or led to inaccurate pages, I will also be working to post her former articles and blogs here. Tori made sure to keep records of her work, though there may be some differences between the originally published works and the final drafts in her files.

I hope to eventually start additional sections with content from her social media pages & recipes, as well as anecdotes from family and friends (many of whom she also considered family).

I appreciate the patience of everyone who may come across this in the meantime.

An extra note from Tori's sister:

For those of us grieving, I'd like to take this opportunity to say that there is no wrong way to mourn.

You don't have to only remember the good times, or the tough times. You don't have to pick up her advocacy work or do something just because you think it's what she would've wanted, unless you truly want to for yourself. You don't have to retraumatize yourself in an effort to get back to "normal". But that also doesn't mean that you have to avoid things that may be painful yet cathartic, or that you shouldn't try to push through pain if that's what you feel you need. If one day, maybe it's already come, you don't feel the active grief, that's ok. It's also ok to not want that day to come or for it to never happen. Or for it to happen and the concept throws you back into active grief. Sometimes you might forget or feel numb. Sometimes you may want to go sing your heart out or dance with memory.

Grief is not a battle to be won or lost. You're not doing it wrong. You're doing your best, even if it doesn't feel like it.

Much love 💗